On Christmas Eve we started the evening with a party at Joe's Aunt Laurie's house. We enjoyed some great food and conversation and then we were off to my parents house. They had more good food and we play the traditional Christmas Bingo game. We won a lot of fun stuff. Including a knife set, Cineamark gift card and a shave set. Then the our little ones got to open one present. We then headed home to get ready for bed and make sure that things were in place for the visit from Santa.
Christmas Day was very eventful. It always includes 2 breakfasts starting at 9:30am, one at Joe's moms and then one at Great Grandma Bonnett's. A trip to Great Grandma Bills' house, Opening gifts at Grandma & Grandpa Bonnett's house and then finally landing at our house around 6:00pm. We then have Joe's and my parent's over to see the gifts that Santa left. We love that we have so much family here to share this time of year with, and that they have so many fun traditions for us to look forward to every year. We also feel very blessedvto have so many wonderful blessings in our lifes! Merry Christmas! Here a a few pictures...
Addy & Jess Christmas Eve

Crew awake and ready for the party!!

Bonnett Boys & Little Boy

Crew & Grandpa Dave.

The boys

The girls

Addy loves her Grandma Lani!

Brad & his girlfriend Kels. (I wish she would have got a ring for Christmas..=[ Come on Brad! We love her! NO MORE ALASKA!!! Boo!)

Ben & his soon to be wife Jess. YAY January 7th!!! She will be the new Jessica Bonnett

Addy & Crew with Grandma Lani & Grandpa Dave

Finally after many, many, many attempts, getting to open one gift on Christmas Eve...wonder what on earth it could be?!?!

So excited about her Christmas Jammies...haha

Jammies for Crew

One of Addy's favorite parts. Leaving cookies and milk for the Big Guy!

After Santa left our house on Christmas Eve...

Looks like Santa enjoyed his cookies & milk!

Christmas morning. Crew wondering what is going on! =]

Our "Little Elf" bum

Just what she asked for! So excited about her new Train Set!!

Loving it!! Hours of Entertainment

Addy's presents