Friday, April 18, 2008

Potty Time Blues

For Addy's 1st Birthday we got her an Elmo's Potty Time DVD, hoping that she would be interested in it. It was a FLOP, until now. For about a month, she wants no other movie but this one. She started saying "potty" so Joe and I decided that if we got her a potty of her very own, she just might start to use it. She loves to sit on it (with her pants on) and she always comes and tells me that she needs to "potty" right after she has already gone in her diaper. =] I figure she will be ready when she is ready.

But for the last week or so, whenever this fun little movie ends, Addy breaks down into tears. She cry's until you restart it or occupy her time with something new. It is so sad, I normally turn it off before it gets to the end (it is hard to see her so upset) In the video below, I did let it go to the end. See for yourself, VERY SAD!! =[


Nielson's said...

How stinkin funny is that video!? She has such a funny little personality.

jaime said...

I feel your pain... we also have the potty time blues :) oh well they finally figure out walking around with poopy pants isn't so fun :)
(my sister in-law did my blog, I am not that creative)

Heath & Ege said...

oh my gosh!! now that is too cute and so funny!! i can't believe how big she is getting!!! you need to bring in her sometime!

Kristy said...

She is so dang cute! How are things at your house, are you well and good now?

Holly and Matthew said...

OH SO SAD... for mommy, daddy and baby ... sad for all different reasons. :) WOW, I must say that was a super cute clip though! Good luck with that Jess! How is your foot? :) Love ya :)

Linds Forrest said...

Her toilet is SOOO cute!! I wish I could have it. And you dress her so cute. Good luck with potty training! That's quite the project... at least what I hear anyway! :)

Ashley Bogard said...

I never knew you could leave a message on these. I just saw yesterday that I even had messages, I am dumb at this stuff. I love the cute potty.

Lewis.Muriel.Lily said...

Oh my goodness Jess she is so darn cute!!! I just watched that video of her cring over Elmo and that is the sadest little cry. How is your foot feeling? Can you walk on it now?