Sunday, November 8, 2009

Height Complex?

While trick-or treating with my parents on Main Street, Addy spotted another Dorothy and wanted my Dad to take a picture of them. When we got home, we were loading and looking at the pictures, when this one came up she said, "Look Mom, two Dorothy's!!!" I said, "Yeah, you two look so cute!" About an hour later, we were getting ready to leave and I was helping her get her shoes on. She said, "Hey Mom, that other Dorothy is NOT TALLER THEN ME!!"
Ummm....okay, she wasn't honey! You are definitely taller then her. =] Sometimes they need a little self-esteem boost. LOL


Natalie said...

I try to convince myself that the whole world isn't taller then me but....they are! haha
Cute Halloween costumes! I love the little froggy and what a cute Dorothy! Looks like a wonderful Halloween!! :)

[Morgan] said...

HA HA! that's too funny.
she is so cute.